I am so mad!
The reason for my anger is simply this.
People believe everything they read as 100% fact.
I however have doubt. I highly doubt that these statements issued by both Kstew and Rupert are indeed from them.
As far as I can remember Kstew refuses to disclose anything about her personal life. Her personal life is her's to keep. -Stated Kstew in an actual interview.
So why all of a sudden would Kstew make such a personal mushy public statement of an apology?
One can say that it was her PR firm or pressure from Rupert in an attempt to save his marriage. But that's simply bullshit.
First no PR firm is this stupid. Second no cheating married man is this dumb either.
The timing if the statements are to ridiculously close to the timing of the first few pictures that where leaked. There was no time for fan's to react other then act out their disbelief.
Kstew and any PR firm would had waited for the fans reaction first before issuing any public statement.
GossipCop use to be the place to go for the truth and for the most part they still are, but not here, not on this subject.
People is clearly pulling the strings here.