Friday, December 28, 2018

Tumblr Still Has Porn.

Took a day and guess what I have manage to find on tumblr?

PORN!! Tons of it. Now quite a bit of it is hidden, but after one click you have full access to it and then theres some that just simply falls through the cracks.

I have even been recommended by tumblr to follow a porn blog that has a pornograpthic user icon. Tumblr's porno purge is so far a complete failure.

edited for share
2019 update: tumblr has a thriving porn community.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


So is this the end of Tumblr?

According to @tumblr there are known issues and that they're working on them. Currently tumblr has been removed from the iOS store for alleged child p0rn.

Because of this I personally can understand it's current status with all nsfw tags blocked from search while they sort out this.. nasty business, but I'll be furious if the app goes full sfw. We already have this app and it is called Instagram!

I suppose now if you want a little smut without being overwhelmed you can try, fuck me I have no idea?   

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I still have access to this?

Oh, its connected to my google account? Neat. 

Shit maybe I'll get back into traditional blogging.