Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fuck E! Fuck Perez!

Are The Lohans banned from night clubs?

Ok get this first Perez say's Dina Lohan couldn't get daughter Ali Lohan into a night club because duh she is underage so Dina makes a big scene as she screams at the doorman. Later Perez reports that Dina and Ali couldn't get into a nightclub even with Lindsay Lohan now screaming at the doorman. So now E online decides that they too wish to play as they report Lindsay couldn't get herself into a night club that Sam was DJ'ing at because get this because she was banned by Sam's twin sister.

This started out as story about bad parent Dina Lohan and ends with Lindsay being banned from all the trendy night clubs.

It's funny how easily these stories can spread and twist with out one picture nor video to back it up.

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