Sunday, May 3, 2009


EDIT: PINK JUST DENOUNCED HER COMING OUT! really Pink? how sad. LINK TO PiNK being str8

Thanks to the P man we all now know what we all known. PiNK is bisexual!

PiNK exclusively tells - on the record! - the UK's News of the World, "I'm not embarrassed about being bisexual. This is who I am. Love is pure and I try to keep it that way. This is who I am, what I feel. I think it's unnecessary to draw the subject out, but I think it even more stupid not to discuss it. It seems as if bisexuality is a trend and I should whip up the masses. Well, I don't believe in trends, I just believe in me."

"I believe in me" wow! Grats to PiNK on coming out!

V str8 PiNK getting it on with Kristina Loken back in 2003

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